Friday, June 17, 2011

And so begins a life of crime...

Hey readers, how is everyone doing? I ask because I know its been awhile since my last entry, and because I genuinely care about my fan base. In fact, I care about you so much I would like to issue the following warning...

Don't ever live in New York State, and for the love of all that is good, don't ever, ever, ever pass a stopped school bus. Seriously, if you're going to pass a stopped school bus in New York, just hit a kid while you're at it. The penalty won't be that much steeper.

"New York equates my life to a minor traffic violation"

I know what you're thinking. You suspect that I am bitter and unwilling to take responsibility for violating an essential traffic safety law. Fair enough, allow me to provide context.

1. If this law was reasonable and existed with the intent of actually protecting children (gasp), it would mainly apply to small neighborhood streets. Where was I ticketed, you ask? Please, readers, oblige me and enter "route 7 and mohawk road" into Google maps. What's that, you say, this is a 5-lane highway? Yes, yes it is a 5 lane highway. Any bus driver who would actually drop kids off on route 7 with the intent of having them cross the street is either an idiot, evil, or a huge fan of Frogger.
"You can make it, little guy. Oh, so close!"

"Still, Chris, you broke the law. You do the crime, you do the time. It's only fair, right?"
2. Okay, so would you like to know the "fair" penalty for my horrible crime of driving with the flow of traffic on a highway? Try a minimum fine of $250, and five points on my license.
Oh, and here's the best part, if I am pulled over and ticketed for anything, anything at all in the next 18 months, I will have to pay a $300 penalty in addition to the fine of the ticket. Thanks to New York's new tax disguised as the "Driver Responsibility Program," 6 points acquired in an 18 month span results in the additional fines of "100 a year for six points plus $25 a year for each additional point, for three years."

So do some math, shall we? Let's say, hypothetically, I get pulled over for going 5 mph over the speed limit sometime within the next 18 months. Even though motorists are seldom ticketed for this because everyone speeds a little bit, let's say the cop has had a slow month and needs to issue some tickets, so I'm ticketed.

+ $300 flat penalty under Driver Responsibility Program
+ $150 extra penalty under Driver Responsibility Program (5+3 points= 8, which makes 2 over 6; 2x$25x3 years= $150)
Poor and Completely Screwed College Student

3. Let's not forget the risk of increasing insurance rates. Oh, and if you want to try to reduce those pesky points or fines, you could also go talk to a lawyer. Because lawyers work for free due to their intrinsic concern for the betterment and protection of humanity.

I just don't get it; everyone one around me, pretty much the entire legal process can get away with rape, and I'm destroyed for passing a stopped school bus. Don't get me wrong; I understand the need for police, traffic laws and even the DMW. But would it kill them to exercise some common sense and discretion once in a while. Either that, or just stop pretending that you exist for my benefit.

"Sir, you see the bridge you just passed? Yeeaah, New York really needs to finish that, and f--- you."

Anyway, it was good to catch up with you readers. If you don't hear from me again soon, don't worry. I'll be in hiding, making sure I never get close to a steering wheel ever again.

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